This combo will provide the variety of scents to take fox during the entire season! Reuwsaat’s Deep Creek All Predator Bait is a deep and penetrating scent that works for fox, coyote, and bobcats. Caven's Minnesota Red is a thick gland lure that incites the territorial response in fox and is a curiosity agent for coyotes, works all season and best at breeding season. Mark June's Canine Candy is a sweet food curiosity lure that is appealing to canines and bobcats, best to place on wool as it is a thinner lure. Hawbaker's Red Fox Food Lure 400 is a thick food based lure effective on red and gray fox, the strong scent will carry even in cold weather. A small squirt of fox urine will complete the set and acts as an attractant as well as a cover for any human scent. There is enough variety to change-up your sets.
- Use for fox trapping
- Convenient and economical
- Variety of Lure Scents, Red Fox Urine. 8 oz, Wool
- Reuwsaat's Deep Creek All Predator Paste Bait - 8oz
- June's Canine Candy 1 oz., Hawbaker's Red Fox Food 400 1 oz.